Email Marketing

6 Advantages of Having a Newsletter for Your Business

6 Advantages of Having a Newsletter for Your Business

The practice of sending an email from one business organization to the other to sell products or services is known as email marketing. With email marketing being the primary mode of content marketing for 81% of all B2B marketers, it is clearly one of the top marketing tools that any business can possess.

  • When discussing business-related topics, 86% of industry professionals prefer email communication to any other type of medium.
  • B2B email campaigns have a 47% higher CTR than B2C email campaigns.
  • Email marketing is the best-performing strategy for 59% of B2B marketers concerning revenue performance.

One chief application of email marketing is having your brand’s special newsletter.

A newsletter, in simple words, is a recurring email drive that businesses use to share important announcements, valuable insights, and exclusive offers to their subscribers, consumers, and prospects.

An effective newsletter strategy consists of emails sent to your subscribers regularly to keep them up to date with the latest news and information about your product or company.

You can send newsletters weekly or monthly, depending on the type of content you want to share and how frequently subscribers expect them.

That’s alright, 

But why are they so important to draw a grip in marketing? 

Here are 6 outstanding advantages of having a dedicated email newsletter for your B2B brand:


1) Keeps the Customers Updated

Email newsletters are an excellent and necessary way to share relevant stories and keep your stakeholders engaged. 

If you have an announcement or an update that you believe your customers should always be aware of, you should dedicate a newsletter to it.

They also serve as a source of information for your business. 

Email newsletters represent the most effective way to spread information quickly, directly and consistently.

2) Boosts Your Social Media

Emails with social sharing buttons have a click-through rate that is 158 percent higher.

Subscribers stay connected and engaged when newsletters contain a lot of information. Consider your email newsletter a way to provide exceptional value through exciting content.

Email newsletters are an excellent way to grow your online community. Sending an email campaign each month in which the goal is to get readers active on your social media sites is one of the successful ways to increase your audience. 

3) Improves Your Bond with Your Audience

Email newsletters are an excellent way to grow your online community and add trustworthiness to your brand image.

When you do not spam their inboxes with salesy outreaches, and rather focus on adding value, your prospects immediately start trusting you.

You can become their go-to resource for answers and unique insights from your niche, which in turn sets you miles ahead of your competitors.

While your rivals struggle with boring marketing efforts, you can bypass all long funnels and build rapport with your consumers directly.

4) Simple to Track

Most email marketing tools allow you to track what ends up happening after you send your email campaign.

Delivery rates, lower bounce, unsubscribe rates, click-through rates, and open rates can all be tracked. This gives you an overview of what’s happening and how your campaigns are working. Ignoring them might put your marketing at a big risk as a whole. 

While various studies on the subject present “effective” numbers to strive for, it all varies depending on your industry as well as your target audience.

5) Low Risk, High Reward

Email marketing, in general, is among the most cost-effective methods of marketing. One of the most basic and important reasons email marketing newsletters are so advantageous is their low cost.

Depending on the size of your audience and the email framework you use, it could even be free.

The only cost you spend on your letters is the time developing it or the professional content writer in case you hired one, which is highly beneficial in most cases.

6) Helps Grow Your Mailing List

Newsletters serve as an effective tool for growing any business’s email database – irrespective of whether the person has made a purchase or not.

While cold emailing has its own benefits, newsletter provides you with a distinct positive – Consent!

Since these people opt-in for your newsletter themselves, there’s little to no chances of getting reported or marked as spam. Just have an unsubscribe link in each of your emails, and you shall be good to go.

Bonus tip: To encourage more people signing in, do not shy away from offering exclusive discounts and pre-launch offers to your newsletter audience.

What to include in your newsletters?

Newsletters can be used for a variety of purposes and come in a variety of formats; there is virtually no limit to how you can use them.

A newsletter’s entire purpose is to keep subscribers capable of connecting, willing to engage, and informed about what is new in your company or industry.

Covering different corners of knowledge is what you should aim for. You may  have a variety of people reading your letters with very less possibility of them sharing an interest with others, so you should think of sending different types of updates to various sections of your email list.

Always keep in mind that your notifications need to have a strong and coherent format, and that your readers can easily unsubscribe if they want to.

Here are some strong recommendations:

  • Use an eye-catching headline, but do not clickbait.
  • Have a single, well-defined CTA.
  • Maintain a uniform tone of voice and brand consistency.
  • Quality > Quantity.
  • Focus on delivering value, and sales will follow.
  • NEVER send newsletters to cold leads.
  • Loop-in feedback from your users.
  • Flaunt your newsletter offering across your social media handles.

Wrap Up

 A newsletter is a low-cost and scalable way to get your marketing flywheel spinning and keep it spinning for years.

The value of a newsletter in an organization is undeniable. However, when to use these as part of the marketing strategy may be unclear. 

Newsletters allow for direct communication with target users, are customizable for each reader, provide greater visibility, add authenticity to your brand image, and boost your content marketing outcomes.

With such huge importance, competition is high as well.

If you wish to stand out, you can’t just throw together some kind of B2B newsletter and assume it to be successful.

You must comprehend the fundamentals and adhere to the proper formula—one that has been proven time and time and again to produce results.

If you’re struggling to figure out how to kickstart your newsletter drive, here’s a detailed article from our side:

Guide To Your First Email Newsletter | Shivyaanchi